Imagine you’re done with your classes for the day and you can now enjoy the view of the Big Ben while leaning on the Westminster Bridge and breathing in the London air.

This can be your lifestyle as an international student in the United Kingdom!

UK has a multifarious educational matrix which grants the opportunity of excelling in any stream with an optimum level of exposure for an international student.

The exclusively prestigious higher education system of England, the innovative courses offered in Scotland, the much-talked-about Irish Arts programmes  and the pedagogically supreme curriculum adopted by almost all campuses of Wales are few of the many reasons for the UK’s status of being the second-most opted for destination by international students. 

5 Answers to Your 1 Question: Why UK?

Application Deadlines:

The window for submitting a timely application can differ with the choice of course as well as opted University.  In a more generic fashion, it can be safely stated that programmes commencing in the autumn term (September/October) need to be applied to by summer  (around July/August).

This window get smaller for the overseas students as they need to be earlier than anyone else to accommodate sundry formalities and documentation (funding/finance, visa, etc) which entails a series of prerequisites for their acceptance as well as admission.

As for the acceptance, the response-time of most Universities in the UK ranges from a few weeks to three months.

Hence, in the light of this time-frame, it is highly recommended that an international student applies five to six months (in certain cases, ten to eleven months)before the commencement of the course in order to contrive an order of things for further processing. So be an early bird rather than a late snail!