If you can smell the salt of the sea, the coals burning on a barbecue somewhere and the fresh mist of acacia, you may just find yourself in the “Down Under” continent of Australia!

Other than being one of the most picturesque, active and foreign-friendly nations, Australia dons the cap of being the first choice of study destination for many an international student.

This is evident by their statistical success of having over 630,000 international students whose origins are dispersed across 140 countries. This renders Australia as the third biggest population of foreign students in the world, only succeeded by USA & UK.

5 Answers to Your 1 Question: Why Australia?

Application Deadlines:


Customarily, the Bachelor’s degree programmes are segregated into two semesters. 

Semester 1 commences in early March and culminates in early June. The application deadline for this would be  November/late December, depending on the college.

Semester 2 commences at the end of July and culminates in early November. The application deadline for this would be mid to late May, in accordance with the particular college.


The structure of Master’s degree programmes in Australia abide by a similar 2-semester pattern like that of the undergraduate system, although this may vary for research-based courses.

Application deadline for semester 1 would be late October/mid November and for semester 2, the application would need to be submitted by mid April/mid May.

Submitting applications at the earliest is highly recommended as it creates better odds of procuring scholarships and other grants.